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Let's Talk About Gap Years

A gap year can be a fantastic opportunity for your child to explore their interests, travel, or gain work experience before jumping into university or a career. However, it also requires careful planning and consideration. If your child is contemplating a gap year, here’s what you need to know to help them make the most of it.

  1. Discuss Their Goals

Start by having an open conversation about what they hope to achieve during their gap year. Are they looking to travel, volunteer, or gain work experience? Understanding their goals will help them plan and set realistic expectations.

  1. Plan Financially

A gap year can be costly, so it’s important to plan ahead. Discuss budgeting with your child and help them create a savings plan if needed. Consider setting up a separate fund for their gap year expenses to keep track of their finances more easily.

  1. Research Opportunities

There are countless opportunities available for gap year activities, from volunteering abroad to internships or even learning new skills. Research different programmes and options with your child to find something that aligns with their interests and goals.

  1. Set Up a Plan for Check-Ins

Keep communication open throughout their gap year. Regular check-ins can help them stay grounded and offer support when they need it. Whether it’s through weekly calls, emails, or messages, staying in touch can help both of you feel more connected.

  1. Prepare for Their Return

As their gap year comes to an end, start discussing the next steps. Whether they’re heading to university, starting a job, or pursuing further travel, help them prepare for this transition. Ensure they have a clear plan and the necessary resources to make their next chapter as smooth as possible.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash